Andy Helliwell
2007-12-15 16:32:46 UTC
The Dutch have forced me to live in poverty
after my boss crippled me at work. I have
been forced into a shite job in a greenhouse
working on the cheap for a Crooked state
run company for only 25 hours a week, it
was done to get rid of me off of the
unemployment, but cos I am only allowed
to stand for five hours a day through
injury ,no one else will employ me, I cannot
even pay my rent anymore. I am being
forced to work for less money than I got
when I was unemployed, four years without
work has left me penniless, all I get
from the Dutch is a shitty part time job
that pays fuck all. I Curse you Dutch
for leaving me crippled and living in
poverty !!!!
Andy Helliwell
The Dutch have forced me to live in poverty
after my boss crippled me at work. I have
been forced into a shite job in a greenhouse
working on the cheap for a Crooked state
run company for only 25 hours a week, it
was done to get rid of me off of the
unemployment, but cos I am only allowed
to stand for five hours a day through
injury ,no one else will employ me, I cannot
even pay my rent anymore. I am being
forced to work for less money than I got
when I was unemployed, four years without
work has left me penniless, all I get
from the Dutch is a shitty part time job
that pays fuck all. I Curse you Dutch
for leaving me crippled and living in
poverty !!!!
Andy Helliwell