(te oud om op te antwoorden)
2008-04-17 21:12:17 UTC
Het bevalt Andy blijkbaar goed, achterop de vuilniswagen. Al een paar
weken niets van hem gelezen :-)
I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally.
Rotterdamse Aad
2008-04-18 12:05:50 UTC
Post by B!
Het bevalt Andy blijkbaar goed, achterop de vuilniswagen. Al een paar
weken niets van hem gelezen :-)
Ben je jaloers?
Rotterdamse Aad
Niemand is volmaakt. Mijn naam is Niemand
Andy Helliwell
2008-04-18 18:32:51 UTC
Post by B!
Het bevalt Andy blijkbaar goed, achterop de vuilniswagen. Al een paar
weken niets van hem gelezen :-)
I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally.

Ik ben deze week lekker vrij, ik wil de fucking
stomme planten niet meer zien.. Ik ben pas weer
begonnen na 5 weken ziek.

Mijn toekomst is alleen maar zwart geworden !

De Planten Zijn Groen !
Andy Helliwell
2008-05-13 23:06:11 UTC
Post by B!
Het bevalt Andy blijkbaar goed, achterop de vuilniswagen. Al een paar
weken niets van hem gelezen :-)
I am free of all prejudice. I hate everyone equally.

I juat wanna let you wooden shoe wearing crippelers
know that my job is still crap,and I still feel as though
I have been robbed of my future by the Dutch.

Some of the dissabled people today at work were
complaining about the heat in the greenhouse,.
I asked them why they don't try going sick
in the summer and using the bijwerkingen from
the mdicines that they have to take as the excuse.
One autistic kid is almost in a coma every day
after he takes his pills, I explained to him that if he
falls off of his stool while he is asleep he could sue
the state and Roteb for making him work while
he is under the influence of powerful drugs. If
he does it right he could get enough cash out of
the Dutch state to set him up for life.

I found a bit of floor that was broken and I was
making the people laugh by tripping over it and
saying I was gonna sue Roteb for compensation.
I said look at this floor, you peoplecould easilly
trip and hurt yourselves.

The supervisors and the boss hates me, I get on
really well with the rest of them though.

