Post by FernandoOn Mon, 22 Jan 2007 18:46:53 +0100, "Andy Helliwell"
Post by Andy HelliwellPost by J.T. EversPost by Andy HelliwellHolland Sucks ! The Dutch Are Heartless And Cruel !
Maar goed genoeg om je onderdak en geld te geven, right?
Geld geven ??? Dat klopt niet, ik ben voor mijn
uitkerings geld gewerkt, ik heb mijn verzekering
tegen werkloosheid al jaren betaald.
Ik ontvang mijn eigen geld elke 4 weken doordat
ik geen werk kan vinden, dat geld is niet van jouw,
het is van mij !
Hoelang heb je dat kleine percentage van je gewerkte geld afgedragen?
5% van je salaris x 12 maanden? En dat is nog steeds "jouw" geld?
Hoelang maak je al gebruik van het door jou zo verfoeide "sociale
Als ik verder al jouw berichten hier lees, snap ik dondersgoed dat
geen enkele werkgever je wilt hebben.
Je bent precies de hork die al de vooroordelen over misbruik van het
sociale systeem bevestigt!
The employment system works like insurance, you pay against
unemployment while you have work, you get paid from the
insurance money if you lose your job. Why should a time limit
be put on the money before it is not considered to be your
insurance money anymore ? If you wanna set a time limit on
unemployment money, the state has no right to expect people
to pay the insurance all their lives then !!!!
If you stop unemployment money their would be anarchy on
the streets and that is a fact.
The Dutch government allow the bosses to "Cherry Pick" the best
workers, and the rest of us get dumped on the unemployment to
rot, that is the system here. Everyone then points their fingers
at the over 35's who can't get work, or at the afgekeurd people
who also can't get work, and you say that we are lazy, or that
we are scroungers. Just fuck off and pay us our money and stop
moaning, otherwise make the bloody politicians stop the bosses
from "Cherry Picking" !!!
If you are ever afgekeurd through an accident at work, you
will be treated like an animal by the system, you immediately
will get a minus value and that means that no one wants you.
You will see government agencies arguing about who is
gonna get dumped with you, you are a hot stone and no one
at all wants you, and only cos you now cost money.
Try it out some time, then you will see how inhumane the system
in Holland can be nowadays.
Andy Helliwell