Human Rights Advice For Injured Foreign Workers In Holland
(te oud om op te antwoorden)
Andy Helliwell
2007-05-15 12:38:02 UTC
I am an injured foreign worker living in poverty
on the Dutch unemployment, after Dikema Staal,
Rotterdam, left me crippled. Dikema's Nazi
manager and doctor both took a dislike to me
for some strange reason ! They only wanted me
off of the sick list so they could fire me, cos
they were not allowed to get rid of me while
I was still sick.

Does anyone know if I can get the Dutch state
into trouble for this on a Human Rights law
somehow ? It is of course my Human right, that
the law and the rules of the land where I live are
upheld by the state, and they were not ? Can
suffering mental cruelty at the hands of the
Dutch state be classed as being a breach of my
Human rights ? Can being left to live in poverty
without a future, after rules were broken by
someone else, be classed as mental cruelty ?

Thank You.

Andy Helliwell
Peter Neusloos
2007-05-16 15:41:27 UTC
On Tue, 15 May 2007 14:38:02 +0200, "Andy Helliwell"
Post by Andy Helliwell
Does anyone know if I can get the Dutch state
into trouble for this on a Human Rights law
somehow ?
En daar gaan we weer. Weer terug in het

Je moet VOORUIT Andy !!!! Niet blijven
hangen in het verleden.....

